Working creatively with my clients and their HR and legal advisers I have over forty years’ experience of identifying and facilitating MUTUALLY AGREEABLE SOLUTIONS in the workplace to remove the risks of litigation.
The problem
Diffusing confrontational ANXIETY and the uncertainty of
future implications
The solution
Achieving a mutual RESOLUTION in line with corporate
and personal expectations
Working online saves costs and time and removes the need to travel. It is flexible, discourages time-wasting and saves energy. Read more
Bullying complaints: one reason to welcome them. Complaints soar but that may be encouraging. Read more
Working online has many financial and practical advantages
Online mediation is not new but Covid 19 has made many more realise that they can work remotely. It saves significant costs and time; eliminates travelling and enables use of the most convenient locations. It discourages time-wasting and saves energy.
Available platforms allow use of separate ‘rooms’ enabling private caucuses to take place in complete confidence, as well as group meetings when all parties are present. It can also reduce fear of the process when the nature of the existing conflict may discourage some from sharing the same space.
This is an extremely attractive alternative to traditional meetings in person.
Mediation is the process where an impartial person facilitates an agreed compromise between warring parties.
Mediations are entirely confidential, for example nothing said by either party can be repeated in a public hearing. The essential difference between mediation and arbitration is that in a mediation any settlement is reached by agreement between the parties as a result of the facilitation of the mediator and is not imposed by the decision of the mediator.
Read more about MediationArbitration
Arbitration is becoming increasingly common as a means of resolving disputes.
It can play a highly successful role in all forms of commercial agreements and employment- related disputes (including service contracts, bonus arrangements and other reward schemes) for which resolution by arbitration is agreed and where a third party has to make a firm decision on disputes after considering the issues. The parties then agree to abide by an arbitrator’s decision, which will be legally binding.
Read more about ArbitrationInvestigations
Many sensitive allegations against senior executives have potentially explosive implications for an employer, as well as the nature of the individual against whom allegations are made.
It is vital that any investigation is transparently impartial, to avoid additional allegations arising from the nature of the individual against whom allegations are made. For example, it is common in discrimination cases for investigations to lead to additional allegations that the complainant was victimised by the investigator.
Read more about Investigations